Part One
Reflect on your team's Final Research Video Project Planning. How did you collaborate? What tools did you use to communicate and produce? Is the process smooth, what will you do differently next time in large collaborative projects?
I enjoyed the form of collaboration we came up with. The process was very smooth. We basically just put a whole bunch of individual facts that we learned onto one page for every section rather than dividing and conquering a section. We then grouped these facts into relevant categories to create a section. This way we contributed a bit into every section. How we will edit the videos together, however, was trickier. Unless we sit together on a single computer for several hours in a row, we're not sure how to edit sections without "divide and conquer." For this reason, we then assigned ourselves to a section and created a video segment for it. We will then combine and patch our parts together.
Part Two
Please reflect on the Lecture readings in this section and what you have learned from this week's activities.
One Ted talk video that is related to CS and/or technology:
Chin-Teng Lin: The mind-reading potential of AI | TED Talk
This was one was really interesting. To have AI translate brain EEG to words sound amazing. I didn't think something like this would be possible. To then imply that it may be possible to have a headset where the AI reads your intended action and have a robot in the distance perform it, sounds incredibly useful. I do wonder about the technicality of this endeavor. Is it just a matter of amassing a whole bunch of raw EEG wave data and brute training through supervised learning or something else?
One Ted talk video that was of my interest:
Christine Blume: Why daylight is the secret to great sleep | TED Talk
I chose this as my non cs-related personal interest since I'm always interested in getting a better sleep. I understand that blue lights mess with the circadian rhythm, but I did not know a lack of sunlight also disturbs your sleep cycle. I simply thought a lack of light in advance was necessary for a good sleep (e.g. not doing computer work right before deciding to sleep). Instead, this TED Talk taught me that having received sunlight will actually boost your REM sleep as well and that this only works with sunlight (not led, lamp, computer screen, etc.). I should really take this as a sign to walk outside more often.
P.S. Life After Death by Powerpoint (Corporate Comedy Video)
I really enjoyed the comedic approach to his presentation style. Felt that his points were "rung" more clearly in my head through his lively act.