Part 1: Help Your Teammates to Develop Capstone Ideas
So far, we decided to create an app but have not agreed on further details as of yet. One agreement we made was to not create a game as it seemed cliche and did not seem relevant to any of our goals. Michael seemed to be interested in a data analytic based app for some of the popular video games that are being played by many young people such as League of Legend. This doesn't seem like a bad idea as it also lets us practice accessing and using various APIs.
Part 2: Keep Up with Your Learning Journal
As a team, we did extensively discuss how to contribute toward the video group project. In order to avoid a "divide and conquer" method, I suggested we all write our own list of "statements of facts (or learning)" We then create a master sheet and decide together which facts or knowledge to include and then order them in a way that makes sense for presentation. I believe this will allow us all to evenly and holistically contribute toward all the phases (intro, content, and ending) of the video as opposed to just a single person being assigned to each phase. As a team we also decided to look at videos that does well in its presentation style (such as Vox) to learn some effective delivery styles.
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