Part 1: Review Other Teams' final video projects
Brain-Computer Interfaces - Past, Present, and Future
From the discovery of EEG to the advance of Neuralink, the video goes in depth of the history and technicalities pretty well. The production value of the video is sufficient. I would caution on the usage of lo-fi music throughout the entire video as their purpose is to relax and often help put people to sleep.
Deepfakes Explained: The Dark Side of AI
Great explanation on Generative Adversial Network. I especially liked the analogy of the painter and the critic. The video did talk about the damages of deepfakes, but I would have liked to saw some examples to drive home the point that it is indeed happening already (e.g. news clippings and other references). The portion of the video that tested our ability to spot AI images was a great way to interact with the audiences. It is also clear great effort was placed into the editing. Overall, good production, good content, great video.
The video does a pretty good job of explaining what a metaverse is; however, I would like to have seen more discrepancy between the concept of metaverse and videos game such as that of "Second Life" which ticks a lot of the requirements of what a metaverse may be. Is it simply a role-playing game or an early adoption of metaverse?
As for the video production, I feel that the overall quality could be improve through adding music and a bit more editing. As it stands, it is less of a video and more of a slideshow presentation.
Part 2: Keep Up with your Learning Journal
I am exceptionally happy with our group effort on our video projects. We have shown great initiation, concise communication skill, and on-time accountability. I could not have asked for better teammates. Made the project much more fun to work on. Perhaps I enjoyed it too much since I spent a greater amount of time than I intended on storyboard planning and editing.
Overall, everyone pitched into the project sufficiently whether it be through scripts, research, editing, or voicework. I'm not so sure on what else we could have done to improve our collaboration.
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